3 HR Tech Predictions Shaping 2025: Consolidation Leads the Way

Discover why this is the year of consolidation, how people data and work data are merging, and what the rise of AI agents means for HR.

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The Future of HR Tech: Three Trends Shaping 2025

In this video, Zach Johnson, GM of Embedded Analytics at Visier, shares critical insights gathered from conversations with industry leaders, revealing the top three trends that will define 2025.

1. The year of consolidation

Discover why consolidation is the dominant force in HR Tech this year. With significant capital and pent-up demand, companies are actively seeking acquisitions. Learn how this monumental shift will redefine traditional HR categories and impact your product strategy. Are you prepared for the changing borders of HR tech and the emergence of integrated platforms?

2. Marrying people data and work data

Explore how HR is breaking out of its traditional silo and becoming integral to the broader work tech experience. This video delves into the crucial trend of integrating people data with work data (sales, productivity, financials) to measure the impact of people investments on business outcomes. Understand how this shift will enable smarter decision-making and drive workforce strategies that directly align with your business goals.

3. The rise of AI agents

Prepare for the widespread adoption of AI agents across the HR Tech landscape. From established players to innovative startups, AI is poised to revolutionize productivity and problem-solving. Learn how early access programs and pilot projects will offer unprecedented opportunities to integrate cutting-edge AI solutions into your products and services.

This video is a must-watch for product leaders who want to:

  • Stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic HR Tech market.

  • Understand the strategic implications of consolidation, data integration, and AI.

  • Identify opportunities for innovation and growth.

  • Build future-ready HR solutions that deliver tangible business value.

Don't miss out on these essential insights! Watch now to ensure your product strategy is aligned with the key trends shaping the future of work.

3 Things Zack Johnson - Consolidation Leads The Way

Episode transcript 

We're seeing more and more interest from customers to understand how are their people investments driving business outcomes.

Hey, everyone. I'm Zach Johnson, GM of the embedded analytics business here at Visier. I hope you're having a great start to the year. From talking to so many of you, I get asked all sorts of questions about what's gonna come next, what should people pay attention to, what are the technology trends for the year. And so with that in mind, I thought I'd share the top three things that I'm hearing and seeing from talking to leaders across the HR tech and work tech industries. First, this is the year of consolidation.

There's a ton of dry powder. There's pent up demand for liquidity, and a whole bunch of companies in the HR tech space, big and small, are gonna be opening up their checkbooks and thinking about what's the future of their organizations.

Honestly, I think the changes are gonna be, monumental. Right? You're gonna see the the the borders of all the traditional categories in HR tech change. I think you're gonna see some really exciting suites that come to life, and I think it's gonna keep everyone on their toes as they think about what they build for and what does it mean to have an HRIS suite or a talent management suite or an employee experience suite. It's gonna be a very, very exciting time, but with also lots of surprises.

Second, we're hearing so many people talk about marrying people data and work data. Effectively, it's productivity. I think this is the year that HR breaks out of HR. It really starts to become a part of the work tech experience.

Whether it's sales data, Jira productivity data, marrying the general ledger, We're seeing more and more interest from customers to understand how are their people investments driving business outcomes. I think this is gonna be a defining trend, especially as you look at how it relates. The first one, which is consolidation. I think you're gonna see a lot of players that most people don't think of traditionally as HR enter the market.

And number three, of course, this is gonna be the year of AI agents. And it's not just gonna come from the likes of Workday or Salesforce. It's gonna be from the tiniest startups that haven't raised seed money yet. It's gonna be from every mid market player and it's a really exciting time if you're a customer.

Right? Because you're gonna be able to join early access programs, be able to work with all sorts of different companies as they pilot, technology where all the questions haven't been answered yet. And it's so exciting because it's gonna boost productivity and make it easy to solve problems that before used to take months and months and months. So recapping the three, consolidation, people and work data, and AI agents, gonna be a pretty wild twenty twenty five.

Hope to see you soon.

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