Connector Definition


Visier Blueprint Version

Tenant Version

Last Updated

November 27, 2024

Visier Objects

The set of Visier Objects that are populated with Data from this source system.

Display NameDescription
EmployeeCurrent employees of the organization.
EmployeeCurrent employees of the organization.
EmployeeCurrent employees of the organization.
Employee CasesThe cases of an employee.
Employee ExitAn event that records the termination of an employee.
Employee ExperienceWorkplace experiences throughout the employee lifecycle recorded through surveys.
Employee FeedbackAn event that records the feedback received by an employee.
Employee GoalsOrganizational and personal development goals assigned to employees.
Employee ProductionThe amount of work completed by each employee.
Employee Share GrantCompany equity typically awarded to employees as an incentive for performance and retention.
Employee SkillsThe skills attributed to an employee.
Employee SkillsThe skills attributed to an employee.
Employee SurveyAn event that records employee responses to workplace surveys.
Employment StartAn event that records the start of an employee's employment.

Tables and Attributes

The set of data tables and their attributes read into Visier from this source system.

TableAttribute Count