Connector Definition
Visier Objects |
End Points |
Tables and Attributes |
Wed. 27 Nov. 2024
The set of Visier Objects that are populated with Data from this source system.
Display Name | Description |
Applicant | A candidate's application for a particular requisition. |
Candidate | A person that may be suitable for a role in the organization. |
Candidate Education | The candidate's history of education. |
Employee | Current employees of the organization. |
Requisition | A request for one or more new employees. |
The set of API end points that Visier's connector leverage to read and import data from this source system.
Display Name |
$resource/$resourceId |
connectevents/$eventId |
customers/$customerId/profiles/channels/$channelId/current/chunk/$chunkId |
offer/template/category |
portalposts/job/$jobId |
portals |
profiledefinitions/v1/$profileType/schema |
profiles/channels |
profiles/channels/$channel |
profiles/channels/$channel/current/chunks |
profiles/channels/$channel/current/status |
profiles/channels/$channel/updates |
profiles/channels/$channel/verification |
search/$resource |
search/filtersSchema |
v2/lists |
v2/lists/$listId |
v2/lists/$listId |
v2/lists/$listId/$nodeIdPath |
v2/lists/$listId/$subId |
The set of data tables and their attributes read into Visier from this source system.
Table Name | Attribute Count |
company | 16 |
company_addresses | 14 |
company_phones | 8 |
job | 130 |
job_additionallocations | 5 |
job_assessmenttype | 5 |
job_bgcpackagetype | 5 |
job_billingcode | 5 |
job_drugscreenpackage | 5 |
job_field28393 | 5 |
job_field28472 | 5 |
job_offertemplatelist | 3 |
job_skillset | 6 |
job_talentpools | 5 |
job_videointerviewpackage | 5 |
listsaddress_type | 5 |
listsclient_group | 5 |
listsclientpriority | 6 |
listsclientsources | 5 |
listscompanyfolders | 7 |
listscompanysources | 5 |
listscompensationtypes | 9 |
listsconnectsources | 5 |
listscontactcategory | 8 |
listscountry | 8 |
listscountry_children | 7 |
listscurrencytypes | 8 |
listscustomfields_lists | 11 |
listscustomfields_lists_children_children | 6 |
listseeo_categoryjob | 5 |
listseeoage | 6 |
listseeodisability | 6 |
listseeogender | 6 |
listseeonationality | 6 |
listseeorace | 6 |
listseeoreligion | 6 |
listseeoveteran | 6 |
listserror | 6 |
listsexpensecategory | 5 |
listsfileextensions | 10 |
listsindustry | 5 |
listsindustry_children | 6 |
listsjobfolders | 14 |
listsjobhire_type | 6 |
listsjobjob_type | 6 |
listsjobposition_type | 8 |
listsjobpriority | 6 |
listsnotesrejection | 6 |
listspersonavail_status | 5 |
listspersonfolders | 16 |
listspersonqualification | 5 |
listspersonuserlists | 5 |
listspersonvisa | 5 |
listsphone_type | 5 |
listsposition | 6 |
listsposition_children | 7 |
listsposition_level | 5 |
listsprofilefactoids | 7 |
listsprofilefactoids_children_children | 8 |
listssearchengineaction | 11 |
listssearchengineaction_children_children | 8 |
listssearchenginetimetofill | 7 |
listsskills | 5 |
listsskills_children | 6 |
listssourcechannels | 6 |
listssources | 7 |
listsstatussubmit | 8 |
listsstatussubmit_children | 19 |
liststags | 5 |
listsvisajob | 6 |
person | 131 |
person_addresses | 17 |
person_addresshistory | 13 |
person_aliases | 6 |
person_education | 26 |
person_groupinformation | 5 |
person_initialemployeraccess | 5 |
person_initialworksiteaccess | 5 |
person_licensecertification | 10 |
person_phones | 8 |
person_preferredcountry | 5 |
person_preferredindustries | 5 |
person_preferredjoblocations | 5 |
person_preferredlocations | 5 |
person_preferredpositions | 5 |
person_rating | 7 |
person_references | 18 |
person_tags | 5 |
person_userlists | 5 |
person_workexperience | 31 |
portalposts | 5 |
portals | 5 |
submittal | 69 |
submittal_submittalstatuslog | 15 |