
Visier® Workforce Planning

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Application descriptions


Visier® Workforce Planning enables continuous, collaborative, data-driven planning across a variety of use cases.

Visier People includes a library of pre-built planning models that satisfy different planning needs from operational workforce planning to strategic planning.

Planning is automatically populated with your current, vetted data, relevant to the planning model. Metrics and segments—defining each part of the organization—fit for purpose remove complexity from the planning process, ensuring stakeholders have as simple of an experience as possible. Maintain ownership over the plan, while still allowing access to others to enter their own details so that you can collaboratively plan for the future, without the mess and lack of security of spreadsheets. Track where you are, set smart goals for the future, and align action to get you where you need to go.

What value is delivered?

Planning is designed to enable organizations to improve the overall management of people, people-related topics, and their associated costs, in alignment with business goals. By linking people and people-related items with their costs and finance forecasts, organizations can both structure and monitor the progress of their plans in a more timely, accurate, and flexible way. This capacity leads to substantial cost savings and improved achievement of business goals. Planning has the following core value propositions:

  • Visier automatically maps and loads current metrics into the future based on existing dimensions, ensuring that realistic plans can be created without a huge effort in manual data preparation.

  • Visier allows segments to be defined from any sub-population in the organization, such as organizational unit, job title or job function, manager vs. non-manager, or location. This ensures that planning is always aligned to where resources currently exist and makes it easy to align goals to actuals for tracking impact and performance to these goals.

  • Share and collaborate with multiple stakeholders across the organization to create a single workforce plan. Visier manages the security and how people contribute and align to the plan without having to worry about orchestrating spreadsheets and collaboration manually.

  • Quick and secure plan monitoring across all business stakeholders including ad-hoc analysis ensures that once goals are set and communicated to the organization, there are no surprises later.

Planning covers the full lifecycle of the organization plan and how it is impacted by people and people-related topics. The application covers all the actions and insights required to deliver more accurate and flexible plans. This includes analyzing current patterns and trends, collaboratively building plans, and monitoring, revising, and publishing new plans. The integration of people, people-related topics, costs, and financial targets leads to substantial savings and superior business performance.

What do I get with Visier® Workforce Planning and what do I need to provide?

Visier® Essentials is required as a prerequisite to purchasing Planning as it contains the majority of the required data for planning. Some planning models will utilize inputs from other Visier People applications. If those applications are not licensed, use of those planning models will be limited.

With Visier People Workforce Planning, you can access:

  • Planning Models: Allow you to plan for the future, discover which factors have the greatest effect on the projection metric, and decide on the best course of action to achieve a goal. A planning model consists of several assumption metrics and several projection metrics. Change different assumptions to get a projection for future time periods. These assumptions and projections are laid out on a grid for future time periods allowing you to see and model changes as well as plan scenarios and collaborate with subplanners.

What planning models are delivered?

Headcount and Cost Planning
This planning model is for the Workforce Planning Leader and HR Business Partners who support operational leaders to meet their staffing goals within financial limits. It takes a dynamic approach to optimizing headcount, FTE, and cost across the organization. You can set your goal for headcount and the model will help you determine how many external hires will be necessary to meet your growth, steady state, or reduction plans. It allows you to discover and model changes to HR levers like resignation rate to understand the impact on your organization. Unlike financial planning systems, which speak the language of cost and FTE, headcount and cost planning puts people and their behaviors at the center.

Headcount Forecasting
This planning model is for Operational Leaders who want to see into the future with the information they have now. This model includes Talent Acquisition data as inputs to known starts into the future, estimates on expected backfill when employees leave the organization, and expected hires from the current recruiting pipeline. It also includes known and expected future resignations, retirements, and other exits.

Guided Diversity Planning
This planning model is for CHROs and Chief Diversity Officers who need to meet their diversity objectives. Guided Diversity Planning is the first and only purpose-built dynamic planning solution to help organizations achieve their diversity goals. It is designed to coordinate action planning to drive alignment across the organization and accelerate traction through building shared accountability. 

It is unlike vague, difficult to measure diversity goals that are set at the beginning of the year and get lost in reports, as well as manually updated spreadsheets that are difficult to share across the organization and provide little context into current state and predicted results.

Skills Planning
This planning model is for business unit leaders wanting to effect a long-term change in the skills of their employee population. This model allows you to identify the target skill profile you want to achieve and assess the current state of skills against that target skills profile. Plan scenarios with changes to the mix of skilled and unskilled employees that are hired and model the impact of training to upskill existing employees.

Technical Limitations

There are technical limitations to what can be changed or customized. Limitations exist for the following items.

Plan Models
A plan model defines the input and output metrics including the mathematical calculations that drive a plan instance. Plan models other than the Headcount and Cost Planning model can be customized.

Customizations and custom plan models may be added to Visier People with the purchase of the relevant customization pack.

For more information, please refer to the following documents:

  • Data Dictionary: Provides comprehensive information about the data elements.

  • Application Definitions: Provides an extensive list of metrics, dimensions, content, and guidebooks that will be lit up once we have loaded these data elements.