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Visier People® Succession and Achievement

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Application descriptions


Visier People® Succession and Achievement helps organizations solve their most critical performance management and business challenges.

Our comprehensive offering empowers you to effectively analyze, monitor, and solve performance management challenges, whether you're seeking to focus on achieving your company goals, or plan for succession. With our all-in-one package, you'll access not only top-of-the-line software but also expert support and best practices that can help you achieve measurable business results in a remarkably short time frame. Our guided, turnkey experience makes it easy to unlock the full potential of your performance management efforts.

Leverage extensive best practice content and insights. Filter our out-of-the-box content to sub-populations or specific time periods, or use them as a starting point to create your own visualizations and insights unique to your needs.

Visier People® Essentials is required as a prerequisite to purchasing Succession and Achievement.

What value is delivered?

Visier People Succession and Achievement is a collection of application elements that are designed to solve your most pervasive and compelling performance management-related problems. The unique problems solved by Visier People Succession and Achievement are listed below:

  • Assess the Likelihood of Achieving Goals: Provides insights into progress towards an organization's strategic goals and helps identify goal achievement drivers. This enables organizations to understand current progress and how it compares to last year and identify and monitor possible threats to achieving their goals (e.g., a sudden increase in resignations or a decrease in engagement scores in key business units) so they can address these issues quickly and increase the likelihood of achieving their goals.

    Why is it important? Assessing the likelihood of achieving goals provides valuable insights that inform decision-making processes. It helps management prioritize objectives, make informed choices, and allocate resources based on the organization's current capabilities. This data-driven approach to decision-making enhances the organization's ability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances effectively.

  • Analyze Performance Feedback Process: Provides an overview of the progress of the performance and peer/360 feedback cycles. This helps organizations ensure the timely completion of feedback and performance review processes, and identify parts of the organization that need reinforcement to ensure the feedback process does not stall.

    Why is it important? Organizations often have review cycles aligned with budgeting, goal-setting, and strategic planning processes. Timely completion of feedback and performance reviews ensures that these evaluations occur within the designated time frames, effectively aligning individual and team goals with broader organizational objectives.

  • Optimize Succession Planning: Provides a comprehensive overview of employees, typically leaders or employees in mission-critical roles, who have or do not have potential replacements. This enables organizations to identify any gaps and train the next generation of leaders. This reduces disruption and loss of organizational knowledge due to retirement and mitigates risk by ensuring important incumbents have a successor ready to replace them.

    Why is it important? By optimizing succession planning, organizations can be better prepared for future leadership needs and changes. It allows for the proactive identification and development of potential successors, reducing the need for rushed or unplanned leadership transitions. With a well-prepared succession plan in place, organizations can respond to unexpected events or opportunities more effectively, ensuring a smooth transfer of responsibilities and maintaining organizational performance.

What do I get with Visier People® Succession and Achievement and what do I need to provide?

With Visier People® Succession and Achievement, you can access:

  • 90+ metrics

  • 60+ questions

  • 20+ stories & dashboards

  • And build unlimited content

To unlock the full potential of Visier People Succession and Achievement, we recommend providing the following data elements:

Goals and Achievement
In order to analyze goal progress, you have the opportunity to load the employee ID, goal ID, status, type, description, percentage of progress, and how many times the goal has been updated. You can load any type of goal (i.e., objectives & key results, business, or development goals) at the individual or manager level.

What does this enable? All this information will help count goals, calculate the percentage of employees who have or haven’t set goals yet, track goal progress, make comparisons to any people or business data, compare successors, and answer critical questions such as:

  • Which specific issues drive goal achievement, and how can those be tracked?

  • Do employees who have been identified as having a high risk of leaving achieve their goals?

  • Do you have any employees who received a low performer rating despite achieving their goals?

  • What is the likelihood of achieving OKRs this year?

Performance Check-ins and Feedback
In order to monitor the performance feedback process, we recommend you load the feedback receiver/provider ID, feedback rating, and performance cycle date.

What does this enable? With this data, you can oversee the progress of the performance and peer/360 cycles, track which employees have received feedback, which managers have completed providing feedback to their direct reports, and the nature of feedback between groups of employees. This capability is in addition to the traditional performance rating metrics provided in Visier People Essentials. You can utilize this information to answer critical questions such as:

  • Which group of employees have not yet participated in the feedback process?

  • Are managers in compliance with completing the performance feedback cycle?

  • Do we have any bias in the rating process?

Succession Planning
To explore and analyze succession planning, you can load the employee or position ID of the employee in need of succession, the employee ID of the successor, its readiness and the effective date of recorded data.

What does this enable? You can use this information to count the number of individuals who have been identified for succession planning or selected as successor(s), assess their readiness, and calculate the percentage of incumbents with ready successors. This helps you answer questions such as:

  • Do we have enough succession candidates?

  • Do we have equity across our succession plans?

  • Which critical leaders are most at risk of leaving the organization? Do we have a successor ready to replace them?

For more information, please refer to the following documents:

  • Data Dictionary: Provides comprehensive information about the data elements.

  • Application Definitions: Provides an extensive list of metrics, dimensions, content, and guidebooks that will be lit up once we have loaded these data elements.