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Visier People® Case Management

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Application descriptions


Visier People® Case Management helps organizations answer all their important questions about general employee cases and employee relations cases.

Our comprehensive offering empowers you to effectively identify employee groups that generate the most cases, manage resource allocation, mitigate legal risk, and identify how case volumes and types impact topics such as employee experience and turnover.

Leverage extensive best practice content and insights. Filter our out-of-the-box content to sub-populations or specific time periods, or use them as a starting point to create your own visualizations and insights unique to your needs.

Visier People® Essentials is required as a prerequisite to purchasing Case Management.

What value is delivered?

Visier People Case Management is designed to enable an organization to monitor work volumes and manage the risks associated with employee relations. The unique problems solved by Visier People Case Management are listed below:

  • Gain Visibility into Cases: Provides a comprehensive overview of employee relations cases filed across the organization, as well as their volume and progression. This enables organizations to understand trends and patterns, analyze the cases that are being filed, measure time to resolution, and ensure that the case support system is properly resourced.

    Why is it important? Depending on the nature of the case and the jurisdiction, organizations may have reporting and disclosure obligations to regulatory agencies, shareholders, or the public. Being aware of employee cases allows organizations to fulfill these obligations accurately and promptly. Failure to report or disclose relevant information can result in legal consequences and potentially damage the organization's reputation.

  • Assess the Business Impact of Cases: Provides insight into the connection between employee relations cases and employee outcomes. It helps organizations identify employee case drivers and their impact on the business, so you can find out if some locations or business units are experiencing a sudden increase in case volume and whether it affects turnover or engagement.

    Why is it important? It will help organizations identify factors contributing to employee dissatisfaction, stress, or disengagement. This insight allows them to develop targeted strategies to improve employee experiences, increase engagement, and enhance retention rates.

  • Mitigate Legal Risks: Provides insight into the volume and severity of the cases. It enables organizations to identify sensitive cases such as workplace harassment, discrimination, or unethical behavior and monitor the volume of cases so they can quickly determine the potential risk to the organization, manage resource allocation, and ensure appropriate remedial actions.

    Why is it important? Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that they are compliant with labor laws and regulations. Visibility into employee cases allows an organization to identify potential compliance issues and take appropriate actions to address them. This can help prevent legal liabilities and protect the organization's reputation.

What do I get with Visier People® Case Management and what do I need to provide?

With Visier People Case Management, you can access:

  • 10+ metrics

  • 30+ questions

  • 5+ stories & dashboards

  • And build unlimited content

To unlock the full potential of Visier People Case Management, we recommend providing the following data elements:

Employee Cases
You have the opportunity to provide data related to employee cases, including the case type, creation date, closed date, status, if it was escalated, ID of the employee, legal counsel, primary investigator, and the result of the case (i.e., investigation, termination).

What does this enable? This information will be used to calculate the number of cases that opened or closed during a time period and measure progression. This data can be grouped by case level, manager, result, source, or status. It helps you answer questions such as:

  • How many cases were handled during this period?

  • What is the current status of cases handled during this period?

  • What types of cases come from which parts of the organization?

  • What types of cases are new employees logging compared to others?

  • Do we have enough resources to manage case volumes?

  • How many days does each type of case take to be resolved?

  • Do cases logged through different sources have faster resolution times?

  • How many cases were escalated in the period?

  • What is the relationship between employee cases and turnover or engagement?

  • Is the composition of cases varying over time?

For more information, please refer to the following documents:

  • Data Dictionary: Provides comprehensive information about the data elements.

  • Application Definitions: Provides an extensive list of metrics, dimensions, content, and guidebooks that will be lit up once we have loaded these data elements.