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Visier People® Safety

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Application descriptions


Visier People® Safety helps organizations answer all their important questions about workplace safety.

Our comprehensive offering empowers you to effectively identify employee groups that generate the most safety records, meet legal and regulatory compliance, and identify how incidents and injuries impact overtime and turnover.

Leverage extensive best practice content and insights. Filter our out-of-the-box content to sub-populations or specific time periods, or use them as a starting point to create your own visualizations and insights unique to your needs.

Visier People® Essentials is required as a prerequisite to purchasing Safety.

What value is delivered?

Visier People Safety is designed to enable an organization to support the reporting and analysis of workplace safety, and identify and mitigate risks. The unique problems solved by Visier People Safety are listed below:

  • Analyze Workplace Safety: Provides a comprehensive overview of accidents, injury cases, and time lost throughout the organization. This enables organizations to analyze safety records, identify trends and patterns, measure time lost due to injuries, pinpoint employee groups most exposed to incidents, and monitor the number and severity of workplace safety incidents.

    Why is it important? Workplace accidents and injuries result in significant financial costs for organizations. These include medical expenses, workers' compensation claims, legal fees, property damage, and potential productivity losses. By analyzing workplace safety, organizations can identify areas of improvement, implement preventive measures, and reduce the occurrence of accidents. This, in turn, helps minimize costs associated with workplace incidents.

  • Assess the Impact of Safety Incidents: Provides valuable insight into the connection between poor safety records and business outcomes. It enables organizations to explore the consequences of lost-time injuries on overtime and safety incidents on turnover. Additionally, it allows for the estimation of the projected impact of injuries, helping in the identification of problem areas and enabling focused safety efforts.

    Why is it important? Lost time injuries can disrupt workflow and decrease productivity. By analyzing the correlation between lost time injuries and overtime, organizations can identify patterns or areas where injuries tend to occur more frequently. This understanding allows them to implement targeted safety measures and preventive strategies to minimize injuries and improve overall efficiency.

  • Ensure Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Provides valuable insight into the volume and severity of safety cases. It enables organizations to fulfill safety reporting requirements that may vary depending on the jurisdiction and industry. This includes reporting on the volume and severity of incidents and accidents, time lost due to injuries, as well as near-miss incidents.

    Why is it important? Many jurisdictions have specific reporting requirements for safety incidents and cases. Maintaining visibility into safety cases enables an organization to fulfill its legal obligations. Failure to comply with reporting requirements can result in legal penalties and consequences.

What do I get with Visier People® Safety and what do I need to provide?

With Visier People Safety, you can access:

  • 45+ metrics

  • 25+ questions

  • 10+ stories & dashboards

  • And build unlimited content

Please note Visier People Safety includes metrics for reporting and analyzing workplace safety incidents and injuries. These are consistent with definitions put forth by various regulatory bodies worldwide, in particular, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States.

To unlock the full potential of Visier People Safety, we recommend providing the following data elements:

Safety Incident

You have the opportunity to provide data related to safety cases such as: employee ID, incident type, incident date, recorded date, location, incident source and body part affected.

What does this enable? This information will be used to count all recordable incidents, identify injury sources (e.g., slip or malfunctioning equipment) or nature (e.g., strains, breaks or cuts), calculate the injury frequency and measure the severity.

Time Lost

You have the opportunity to load the following data: employee ID, the number of days away from work, the type of injury, and whether or not the safety injury was recorded on time.

This information will help you answer questions such as:

  • What is the overall safety record for the organization and how is this trending?

  • Which parts of the organization have the highest injury frequency?

  • Which employees are getting injured?

  • How much time is being lost to safety incidents?

  • Do injuries result in higher overtime*?

  • What employee attributes drive safety incidents?

  • Where do safety incidents and injuries occur?

  • Are new hires driving safety incidents?

  • How many safety incidents were severe?

*Overtime is available under the Visier People® Total Rewards & Hourly Workers application.

Please note you do not need to onboard additional data to access the following functionalities:

What-if Models: Allow you to plan for the future, discover which factors have the greatest effect on the projection metric, and decide on the best course of action to achieve a goal. A What-if model consists of several assumption metrics and a projection metric. Change different assumptions to get a projection for future time periods. What-if Models included in Visier People Safety include projected days lost or restricted to injuries metrics.

For more information, please refer to the following documents:

  • Data Dictionary: Provides comprehensive information about the data elements.

  • Application Definitions: Provides an extensive list of metrics, dimensions, content, and guidebooks that will be lit up once we have loaded these data elements.