We’re always looking for opportunities to create new value and new insights. Some of these projects are too exciting to keep to ourselves, so we’ve created this space to share some of the experiments we have underway.
Active Experiments

Visier Jobs and Skills Ontology
from the Product Lab
Process any text with our API to understand what skills are available in a job description, resume or learning object. Then match related jobs to the detected skills for accuracy in decision making.

Visier Workforce Benchmarks
from the Data Lab
Download, analyze and compare your organization to others all in your favorite analytical tools. Explore resignation rates, diversity, the distribution of high performers, and much more.

Visier Economic Indicators
from the Data Lab
Get timely, accurate updates on key macroeconomic indicators for a 360-degree view of industry trends. Inform investment strategies and optimize business performance with downloadable data sets.

Visier Data Hub
from the Product Lab
Visier Data Hub is the ideal solution for People Analytics pros who want to use our rich analytical data model and benchmark dataset, but prefer to continue using their visualization tools of choice.

Visier Smart Compensation
from the Solution Lab
Visier Smart Compensation helps your people managers to make more confident and data-driven decisions eliminating bias and adding transparency along the merit increase process.
Past Experiments

Visier Analytics for Jira
from the Solution Lab
Visier Analytics for Jira helps R&D leaders understand how people factors are impacting their software development efforts. We connect people data with Jira project data.

Internal Sourcing Visualization
from the Product Lab
Internal Sourcing Visualization is an innovative way for recruitment teams to visualize internal movement so they can uncover sourcing opportunities for challenging-to-fill roles.

Standardized Occupations
from the Data Lab
Visier has solved a persistent challenge for our customers: job title standardization. Our analytical model allows enterprises to establish a single common view of all jobs across their organization.

COVID Insights
from the Solution Lab
When COVID-19 hit, HR teams urgently needed visibility into how it would affect their workforces. Visier rapidly met that need and now offers comprehensive pandemic-related insights.

Inspired? Get involved
All of the innovations on this page are employee-driven. From our Dev Demo Days to our innovation awards, Visier is a place where new ideas aren’t just welcome, they’re part of our culture.
If you’re the type of person who thrives in a creative atmosphere and you enjoy doing things that have never been done before, take a look at our open roles and consider joining our team.
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Learn about our research
Visier publishes deep original research based on our unmatched access to more than 15 million aggregated and anonymized records from more than 15,000 organizations.
Explore our library of research today. You’re sure to find a wide range of topics that will advance your people analytics knowledge.
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