People Analytics Maturity Survey 2023
Research shows Visier Customers financially outperform benchmarks, achieve business outcomes

Since we conducted our last People Analytics Maturity Survey from 2021 we've found that Visier customers remain on a journey to ever-increasing value realized through:
- Labor cost savings
- HR effectiveness though improving metrics related to turnover, performance, and compensation
- Yielding significant business outcomes such as increased revenue, improved customer satisfaction, and more
For 2023, we conducted a survey of 115 customer organizations representing 3.4 million employees to determine how and if Visier customers continue to advance their people analytics practices and to provide guidance so those newer to people analytics can learn from those who have more experience. This report contains the results.
Those organizations belonging to the Advanced levels of maturity increased from 43% to 50% since 2021, the date of the last survey. In 2023, we see a 32% increase in those achieving the business outcome level of value. In all cases, publicly traded Visier customers financially outperform benchmarks for profit margin and return on assets.
Download the report to learn:
- How Advanced customers realized a 32% increase achieving the "business outcome" level of value.
- How publicly traded Visier customers financially outperform benchmarks for Profit Margin and Return on Assets.
- How a big increase in enabling Finance Managers affects improved business outcomes.