Visier real-time people data platform
Connectors, APIs, & Integrations
Integrate Visier into your ecosystem with unparalleled flexibility.
Deploy Visier to your orgEmbed Visier![Customize analytic model](/static/2e9550469ed75201db19c4477d823439/6644d/connectors-hero.png)
Bring data in
Connect your data sources with ease
Bring in data from across your organization using Visier’s data in connectors.
Data in documentationHR App Connectors
Work App Connectors
Storage Connectors
Don’t see your app listed? Visier can load data from virtually any application using APIs, JDBC, SFTP, or manual upload.
Distribute insights
Distribute insights in the flow of work
Deliver insights directly to users inside their everyday tools to ensure they have the information they need, exactly when they need it.
Data out documentationVisier Applications
BI & Data Science
Productivity & AI
Don’t see your app listed? Third party apps can access Visier’s data model via an extensive API library.
Extend, automate, and administer
Seamlessly integrate Visier into your ecosystem to extend, automate, and manage your data and analytics workflows.
API documentation