Alpine for skills Intelligence

Accelerate skills insight with Skills APIs

Deliver skills insights quicker with Alpine by Visier’s Skills Intelligence APIs. Our robust taxonomy of skills and jobs, provides a deeper view into the skills present in a job posting, a resume, or role requirements for job titles. Get started today to receive a development sandbox to start building on the Alpine developer platform.

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Robust skills data

Skills library of 14K+ skills and 15M+ job titles

Faster time to market

Lower resource burden to build from scratch

Scalability with Skills APIs

Well-suited for dynamic industries and use cases

API-first Skills Insights

Dive into the depths of skills data from over 15 million job titles and 14 thousands standardized skills.

Full access to up-to-date skill data

  • Access skills data on 3,300+ standardized occupations for building applications to suit different skill-related use cases.
  • Accelerate skill mapping results by getting ready-to-use skill matching output for your applications with just a few clicks.
  • Pipe skills data directly to your application and enjoy faster time to market by reducing complexity in skills data processing.
Accelerate skills intelligence

Accelerate skills intelligence

  • Reduce time standardizing job titles and extracting skills with real-time data processing to provide informed data.
  • Seamlessly integrates Visier’s comprehensive job and skill ontology into your application.
  • Augment your data with skill insights and trends, including Automation and Remote Work indices.

Endless potential with Visier Skills Intelligence APIs

  • Build on comprehensive APIs for skills intelligence, from ontology to job standardization and skills extraction to skill matching.
  • Apply to different skills-based applications with great flexibility, including recruitment and employee and learning development.
  • Map skills back to common frameworks of jobs and skills including ESCO, O*Net, ISCO and Industry-specific taxonomies.
Skills Intelligence APIs

How does it work?

Visier Skills Intelligence APIs reduce time standardizing job titles and extracting skills with real-time data processing.

Input job or skills info

Input the job titles, skills titles, job descriptions, course descriptions or any relevant information via APIs.

Map & match skills

Standardize job titles and extract skills from input, map and match skills using standardized jobs and skills ontology.

Integrate to your apps 

Get ready-to-use skill matching output for your skill-related use cases.

No code integration

Easily integrate with your system without coding, some of them include: