Why Visier

Training and Awareness

Visier has implemented organization-wide security and privacy training and awareness programs to educate employees on the importance of protecting their own and customer personal data. With empowerment and support from the Executive Leadership team, Visier’s training and awareness initiatives have fostered a strong security and privacy aware culture.

Visier Corporate Policies
Code of Conduct
Trust Assurance FAQs


The effectiveness of security and privacy programs can be greatly impacted by human behavior. Hence, employees are often the weakest link within an organization’s line of defense. Adequate training and awareness can greatly decrease the likelihood and susceptibility of employees falling for malicious schemes (e.g. phishing scams) that can hurt an organization financially and reputationally.

Visier has implemented organization-wide security and privacy training and awareness programs to educate employees on the importance of protecting their own and customer personal data. With empowerment and support from the Executive Leadership team, Visier’s training and awareness initiatives have fostered a strong security and privacy aware culture.

The following initiatives demonstrate how Visier:

  1. establishes baseline knowledge so employees are well-equipped to recognize and report potential security events;
  2. provide education on Visier’s policies, procedures and guidelines; and
  3. how employees should manage security and privacy issues they encounter in their everyday job.


Onboarding Training

As part of the new hire onboarding process, all employees are required to complete training on select topics, such as cyber security and data privacy. Employees requiring access to customer data must complete additional customer data access training to understand the importance of appropriately handling and protecting customer data.

Further, to ensure all development team members follow secure coding practices, onboarding and ongoing training for all developers include a set of robust security principles, practices and coverage of Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 security risks, at a minimum.

Visier training and awareness activities are conducted online and in-person to increase engagement, reinforce learning and provide an open forum for discussion and questions.


Ongoing Education and Awareness

Cyber Security Awareness Month
Privacy Awareness Week