Winter 2024
What’s New at Visier
Discover our latest features and capabilities that help you to make enriched people decisions with greater clarity.
Featured Release
Dashboard Layout
The Winter release introduces a new Dashboard Layout option to help authors display people insights in a denser, more data-rich style using less screen real estate. Ideal for presenting information to executives, the new layout offers more space both horizontally and vertically, and is optimized for export to PowerPoint.
Key updates in this release
Suggested Dimensions
When a user is filtering an analysis, the list of possible dimensions to filter by can be overwhelming—even though the system offers suggestions. Authors can now suggest specific dimensions or key groups when creating an analysis, which makes for a simpler and more tailored filtering experience.
Improvements to Distribution Visual
The Distribution visual gets a trio of refinements we think you’ll appreciate. First, the design has been updated to better reflect a traditional box-and-whiskers plot. Second, you can now add group-bys or comparisons to the visual. Finally, you can highlight employees to see how they compare to the group.
Tableau Connector (Limited Availability)
We’re excited to announce another addition to the growing list of ways we make it straightforward to move your data into or out of Visier. The Tableau Connector gives you a plug and play tool for exporting your data from Visier to Tableau in either aggregate or list form. It’s ideal for those situations where you have a specific need to visualize people data in a generic BI tool.
Managed Planning
This release introduces more control over the way plans are managed in Visier People Planning. A plan can now be created as a managed object within a project in Studio. This lets you control visibility until you’re ready to roll it out to production, and to have more granular control over the access permissions for that plan.
New Job / Skills Taxonomy For Visier People
We continue to expand our Job and Skills taxonomy to cover more industries, jobs, and job types. Winter introduces jobs from the manufacturing industry, more specialized Product Manager job types, and more manager job types in general.